This site is maintained by Local 20/20.

Community Action
Learn about local groups working to address climate change.

Renewable & Efficient Energy
Learn about local renewable energy options for your home systems as well as Energy Efficiency in the county.

Electric Vehicles
Local tools to help you research EVs.

Food Choices
Discover your own food carbon footprint. Learn how to get and support local food.

Local Economy
Learn about groups improving resilience through the local economy.

Reducing Waste
Learn how to reduce personal waste by local ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Transportation Choices
Learn how to save money and carbon by driving less.
Why this website?
This website provides the tools you need to save energy, save money, and reduce your carbon footprint — at home, at work, and on the road — with tools specific for Jefferson County, Washington. Try one or two, and you may be surprised to learn that saving energy doesn’t mean sacrificing quality of life!
One way to start is to try one of the Carbon Calculators on the web. Here are a few we found helpful, check them out and see where your greenhouse gas “contributions” are the highest! Then you can visit the various topic areas on the top of this page to get ideas for how to reduce in those areas.